xmlua.XML class


It's a class for parsing a XML.

The parsed document is returned as xmlua.Document object.


local xmlua = require("xmlua")

local document = xmlua.XML.parse("<root><sub/></root>")

-- Call xmlua.Document:root method
document:root() -- -> Root element

Class methods

xmlua.XML.parse(xml) -> xmlua.Document

xml: XML string to be parsed.

It parses the given XML and returns xmlua.Document object.

If XML parsing is failed, it raises an error.

Here is an example to parse XML:

local xmlua = require("xmlua")

-- XML to be parsed
local xml = [[

-- If you want to parse text in a file,
-- you need to read file content by yourself.

-- local xml = io.open("example.xml"):read("*all")

-- Parses XML
local success, document = pcall(xmlua.XML.parse, xml)
if not success then
  local message = document
  print("Failed to parse XML: " .. message)

-- Gets the root element
local root = document:root() -- --> <root> element as xmlua.Element

-- Prints the root element name
print(root:name()) -- -> root

xmlua.XML.build(document_tree={ELEMENT, {ATTRIBUTE1, ATTRIBUTE2, ...}, ...}) -> xmlua.Document

If you give tabel as below, it returns document tree.

{ -- Support only element and attribute, text.
  "Element name", -- 1st element is element name.
  {        -- 2nd element is attribute. If this element has not attribute, this table is empty.
    ["Attribute name1"] = "Attribute value1",
    ["Attribute name2"] = "Attribute value2",
    ["Attribute name n"] = "Attribute value n",
  -- 3rd element is child node
  "Text node1", -- If this element is a string, this element is a text node.
  {                 -- If this element is a table, this element is an element node.
    "Child node name1",
      ["Attribute name1"] = "Attribute value1",
      ["Attribute name2"] = "Attribute value2",
      ["Attribute name n"] = "Attribute value n",
  "Text ndoe2",

This method makes new xmlua.Document. If you give empty table, it returns empty xmlua.Document(This document have not root element).


local xmlua = require("xmlua")

local doc_tree = {
    ["class"] = "A",
    ["id"] = "1"
  "This is text.",
      ["class"] = "B",
      ["id"] = "2"
-- Make new document fro table.
local document = xmlua.XML.build(doc_tree)
-- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-- <root id="1" class="A">This is text.<child class="B" id="2"/></root>

See also