xmlua.Searchable module


It provides features that search nodes by XPath.


It searches nodes by XPath and returns as xmlua.NodeSet object.

If the receiver is a xmlua.Document, the context node in XPath is the root node.

If the receiver is a xmlua.Element, the context node in XPath is the element. It means that "." XPath is the receiver element.

xpath: XPath to search nodes as string. namespace: Customized namespace. If you use the default namespace, you must omit this argument.

If XPath searching is failed, it raises an error.


local xmlua = require("xmlua")

local xml = [[

local document = xmlua.XML.parse(xml)

-- Searches all sub elements under the <root> element
local all_subs = document:search("/root/*")

-- You can use "#" for getting the number of matched nodes
print(#all_subs) -- -> 3

-- You can access the N-th node by "[]".
print(all_subs[1]:to_xml()) -- -> <sub1>text1</sub1>
print(all_subs[2]:to_xml()) -- -> <sub2>text2</sub2>
print(all_subs[3]:to_xml()) -- -> <sub3>text3</sub3>

You can search from an element.


local xmlua = require("xmlua")

local xml = [[

local document = xmlua.XML.parse(xml)

-- Root element
local root = document:root()

-- Searches all sub elements under the <root> element
local all_subs = root:search("*")

-- You can use "#" for getting the number of matched nodes
print(#all_subs) -- -> 3

-- You can access the N-th node by "[]".
print(all_subs[1]:to_xml()) -- -> <sub1>text1</sub1>
print(all_subs[2]:to_xml()) -- -> <sub2>text2</sub2>
print(all_subs[3]:to_xml()) -- -> <sub3>text3</sub3>

You can also search document with namespace. If you want to use the default namespace, you must specify the namespace explicitly as below.


local xmlua = require("xmlua")

local xml = [[
<example:root xmlns:example="http://example.com/">

local document = xmlua.XML.parse(xml)

local example_sub = document:search("/example:root/example:sub")
print(example_sub[1]:to_xml()) -- -> <example:sub>text</example:sub>

You can also use customize the namespace as below.


local xmlua = require("xmlua")

local xml = [[
<example:root xmlns:example="http://example.com/">

local namespaces = {
    prefix = "e",
    href = "http://example.com/",

local document = xmlua.XML.parse(xml)

local example_sub = document:search("/e:root/e:sub", namespace)
print(example_sub[1]:to_xml()) -- -> <example:sub>text</example:sub>

It's an alias of search.

css_select(css_selectors) -> xmlua.NodeSet

It searches nodes by CSS Selectors and returns as xmlua.NodeSet object.

If the receiver is a xmlua.Document, the context node in CSS Selectors is the root node.

If the receiver is a xmlua.Element, the context node in CSS Selectors is the element. It means that the current element is the receiver element.

css_selectors: CSS Selectors to search nodes as string.

If CSS Selectors is invalid, it raises an error.


local xmlua = require("xmlua")

local xml = [[

local document = xmlua.XML.parse(xml)

-- Searches all sub elements under the <root> element
local all_subs = document:css_select("root *")

-- You can use "#" for getting the number of matched nodes
print(#all_subs) -- -> 3

-- You can access the N-th node by "[]".
print(all_subs[1]:to_xml()) -- -> <sub1>text1</sub1>
print(all_subs[2]:to_xml()) -- -> <sub2>text2</sub2>
print(all_subs[3]:to_xml()) -- -> <sub3>text3</sub3>

You can search from an element.


local xmlua = require("xmlua")

local xml = [[

local document = xmlua.XML.parse(xml)

-- Root element
local root = document:root()

-- Searches all sub elements under the <root> element
local all_subs = root:css_select("*")

-- You can use "#" for getting the number of matched nodes
print(#all_subs) -- -> 3

-- You can access the N-th node by "[]".
print(all_subs[1]:to_xml()) -- -> <sub1>text1</sub1>
print(all_subs[2]:to_xml()) -- -> <sub2>text2</sub2>
print(all_subs[3]:to_xml()) -- -> <sub3>text3</sub3>

See also